M-T, TH: 8:30-3:00
W: 8:30-7:00 / F: 8:30-12:30

(609) 397 3240

570 Rosemont Ringoes Road
PO Box 500, Sergeantsville, NJ 08557

Board Members

Kathy Katz

Chad Bower
TC Liaison

Joseph Chrobak

Liaison to Planning Board

Adam Wisniewski, P.E., PP
Township Engineer

Quarry Compliance Commission Information

The Quarry Compliance Committee was established by the Township Committee at their January 8, 2007 meeting.  The purpose of the Quarry Compliance Committee is to facilitate communications and act as a liaison between the Township Committee, the Planning Board, and the licensed quarries that are operating within the township and to coordinate and enhance oversight of the quarries in their efforts to comply with the Quarry Ordinance.

Delaware Township established the first Quarry Ordinance back in 1978.  Quarrying and quarrying-related operations can only be conducted in the I-2 Industrial Zone.  Currently, Trap Rock Industries is the only licensed quarry in the township and they operate a 262-acre quarry (Block 59 Lots 3 and 4) in the southwest portion of the township, along Route 29 and boarded by Seabrook Road and Brookville-Hollow Roads.  Under the Quarry Ordinance, Trap Rock Industries is required to apply to the township on an annual basis for a license. Trap Rock Industries’ current license expires on September 30, 2007.

The Quarry Compliance Committee is comprised of four members: (1) Township Committee representative; (1) Planning Board representative; (1) citizen representative living within ½ mile radius of any quarrying operation located within the township; and (1) quarry representative from each of any of the licensed quarries within the township.  Each member is appointed on an annual basis. If no citizen representative living within ½ mile radius of a quarry operation can be found to serve on this committee, the seat can then be filled by any interested citizen of the township.

The Township Committee and citizen representatives are appointed by the Mayor.  The Planning Board representative is appointed by the Planning Board Chair. The quarry representative(s) is appointed by the quarry operator(s).

The Quarry Compliance Committee meets at least semi-annually to review the quarry inspection reports and quarry license renewal applications.  The committee apprises the Township Committee in writing of its findings on a semi-annual basis. More frequent meetings may be held, as needed, in order to review possible revisions to the Quarry Ordinance.  The Township Clerk is advised in advance of all meetings.

Quarry Compliance Commission

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